Welcome to
Academic Book Week
! To celebrate some of the amazing academic books we have on offer we will be giving away a copy of each book to three lucky winners; Aaron Cassidy and Aaron Einbond’s,
Noise in and as Music
David Taylor’s,
Beerhouses, Brothels and Bobbies
and Richard Steinitz’,
Explosions in November
All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning, is comment below which would be your favourite to win and why. We will pick one winner for each title at the end of Academic Book Week.
Noise in and as Music
ron Cassidy and Aaron Einbond
‘One hundred years after Luigi Russolo’s “The Art of Noises,” this book exposes a cross-section of the current motivations, activities, thoughts, and reflections of composers, performers, and artists who work with noise in all of its many forms. The book’s focus is the practice of noise and its relationship to music, and in particular the role of noise as musical material—as form, as sound, as notation or interface, as a medium for listening, as provocation, as data.’
Beerhouses, Brothels and Bobbies: policing by consent in Huddersfield and the Huddersfield district in the mid-nineteenth century
David Taylor
‘Professor David Taylor has established a fine reputation for his books and articles on the history of policing in England. This new book on Huddersfield policing looks at the mid-nineteenth century and issues facing the local area in relation to policing a centre of West Riding textile production.’
Explosions in November: the first 33 years of Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
Richard Steinitz
‘Explosions in November tells the story of one of Europe’s leading cultural institutions, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival (hcmf), through the eyes of its founder and former artistic director, Professor Richard Steinitz.
From its modest beginnings in 1978, when winter fog nearly sabotaged the inaugural programme, to today’s internationally renowned event, hcmf has been a pioneering champion of the best in contemporary music.’

Take a look at all our open access academic books and browse our collection of print books that you can purchase here
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