British Journal of Pharmacy

british journal of pharmacy

British Journal of Pharmacy (ISSN 2058-8356) is an online peer-reviewed open access journal offering gold open access with no article processing charges (APCs). The Journal aims to publish original research papers, critical reviews and rapid communications on the latest developments in pharmacy.

The Journal accepts manuscripts highlighting novel research and development in pharmacy. The submission can be accepted from a wide array of pharmaceutical sciences, including the practice of pharmacy, novel therapeutic targets and molecular pharmacy, contemporary formulation strategies to improve drug delivery and targeting, industrial pharmacy, pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics and therapeutics, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacovigilance and innovations in teaching pharmacy.

British Journal of Pharmacy is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals.

Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research

fields: journal of huddersfield student research

Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research is a peer reviewed open access journal developed as part of the University of Huddersfield Teaching and Learning strategy to support and showcase the best of our student work in terms of research across all the five Schools that make up the University of Huddersfield. The journal features primarily work by undergraduate students but can include occasional postgraduate taught work. The journal includes articles but also welcomes submissions from practice based research which can include poems, designs, music scores, drama productions, case studies etc.

Journal of Performance Magic

journal of performance magic

The Journal of Performance Magic focuses on a multidisciplinary and contemporary approach to the field . Covering the influence, legacy and future of performance magic on wider performing arts practice and other diverse academic disciplines. In recent years the academic study of performance magic has made exciting creative links within emerging disciplines; such links include the cognitive sciences, architectural design, and emerging technologies. The Journal of Performance Magic seeks to strengthen these links as well as encourage reflection on areas of performance magic not already covered in publication and develop new perspectives on areas already heavily researched.

We operate on a rolling-publication basis, releasing articles during the course of a volume. [currently Volume 8]

We welcome the submission of scholarly articles, interviews, practice accounts, book and performance reviews. We also offer a section of the Journal - [edges] for creative, non-standard approaches to magic performance and research. 

Journal of Creative Music Systems

journal of creative music systems

The Journal of Creative Music Systems (JCMS) aims to advance the development of computational creative systems in the domain of music. JCMS is an open access journal focusing on computer systems which generate, perform or analyse music, and which either demonstrate a distinct degree of creativity or which shed light on the nature of creativity. Empirical articles, which focus on the design and implementation of new techniques; as well as theoretical papers, which investigate the scientific and philosophical foundations of music-creative systems, are encouraged. In recognition of the inherent interdisciplinarity of the area, JCMS encourages submission of articles at the intersection of different fields, such as music (theory, analysis, history), artificial intelligence, music information retrieval (MIR), cognitive science, evolutionary theory, mathematics and philosophy.

The Journal of Play in Adulthood

the journal of play in adulthood

The Journal of Play in Adulthood (ISSN: 2632-1254) aims to provide a multidisciplinary open access forum dedicated to the discussion of play and playfulness in adults. The focus of this journal is on play in adulthood to explicitly distinguish it from children’s play, and to highlight that the motivations, contexts, and forms of play are, in many cases, different. It aims to increase understanding of the need for, and benefits of, play and playfulness after childhood, and to create a robust evidence base for the value of play throughout the life course for learning, working, and living well. It also seeks to explore the barriers to the use of play with adults, and potential solutions to increasing the role of play in lifelong education, the workplace, and wider society.

The target readership of this journal is both practitioners and researchers involved in the use of, and study of, play and playfulness with adults. Readers may be from a range of sectors and academic traditions, as befits the multidisciplinary nature of play and playfulness research.

Teaching in Lifelong Learning

teaching in lifelong learning

The Teaching in Lifelong Learning Journal is an open access peer reviewed journal publishing articles that inform and improve practice in the lifelong learning sector (LLS). It intends to support initial teacher training (ITT) and continuing professional development (CPD) across the wider LLS and within the broader context of higher education (HE).

Please note Teaching in Lifelong Learning is not currently accepting submissions. 

Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice

mental health and learning disabilities research and practice

Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice was a joint publication between South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust and the University of Huddersfield. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice encompasses a wide range of material appropriate for mental health practitioners, social care practitioners, researchers, educators, users of mental health services, carers, and voluntary sector workers.

Crime Security and Society

crime security and society

Crime, Security and Society is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed open access publication with an applied focus on crime and security issues. Research papers co-authored by academics and practitioners from different disciplines (or fields) that would not ordinarily publish collaborative research together, are particularly sought, as are those of both interest and utility to academics, practitioners (e.g. police and security personnel) and policy makers.

Please note that Crime, Security and Society is not currently accepting submissions.

Performance and Mindfulness

performance and mindfulness The Journal of Performance and Mindfulness (ISSN: 2398-3566) publishes peer-reviewed papers exploring the relationships between artistic performance and mindfulness practice. We currently publish one volume per year, with one or two issues per volume. We operate on a rolling-publication basis, releasing articles during the course of the year and adding a concluding editorial in December. We welcome the submission of scholarly articles, interviews, practice accounts, and book and performance reviews.

Postgraduate perspectives on the past

postgraduate perspectives on the past

Postgraduate Perspectives on the Past was established with the aim of disseminating a wide range of high quality research in the fields of history, heritage and archaeology. The open access journal provided an opportunity for postgraduate historians to publish on a range of themes and places, from prehistory to contemporary history, including British, European and world history, reflecting on the current state of the field and offering new perspectives. 

Please note that Postgraduate Perspectives on the Past is not currently accepting submissions.

Identity Papers: A journal of British and Irish studies

identity papers: a journal of british and irish studies

The University of Huddersfield’s Academy for British and Irish Studies was established in 2009, and this open access journal develops out of its varied and interdisciplinary work. It seeks a wide and cross-disciplinary audience from inside and outside the university sector, and draws on robust research to communicate ideas connected with identities in Britain and Ireland, today and in the past, in a readable way. 

Please note that Identity Papers is not currently accepting submissions.

RADAR: Review / Art / Design / Architecture / Research

radar: review / art / design / architecture / research

RADAR was published annually by the School of Art, Design and Architecture. The review highlighted the interdisciplinary and diverse work taking place in the School at the time, as represented through the selected profiles of academics. Encompassing a variety of practices and research interests, RADAR included a range of early career to established researchers. 

Please note that RADAR is not currently accepting submissions.