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  • Author Spotlight:An investigation to determine how the introduction of outdoor education supports learning in Key Stage One

    Author Spotlight:An investigation to determine how the introduction of outdoor education supports learning in Key Stage One

    Posted by Huddersfield Press on 2020-05-27

Another article in our latest edition of Fields, our open access student research journal was written by Emily Hooson. Her article address the currently relevant issues surrounding teaching and learning practices. We asked her to tell us about her research, his article and his experiences.

This journal article offers an insight to how an effective outdoor environment in education impacts pupil engagement and behaviour in Key Stage One. It specifically investigates a rural school in North Wales, and their approach to providing outdoor educational opportunities for their pupils. This study also explores the methods of pedagogy that are practiced by teachers in order to deliver an outdoor lesson. The conclusions from this report reinforce the idea that pupils can benefit from a different learning environment. Evidence of obtaining group work skills, a difference in behaviour, more enthusiasm and a higher motivation was evident in the findings of this research. Nevertheless, the most significant outcome is that teachers’ common misconceptions are often what hinders a successful experience of outdoor learning for pupils. This raises the question of whether outdoor education can be respected as a beneficial approach to education, if it cannot be delivered efficiently.

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