
Filtering tag: journal

The Journal of Performance Magic - Call for Papers

Posted by Huddersfield Press on 2020-07-24

Call of Papers – The New Normal The Journal of Performance Magic is now open for submissions – read the call for papers below to find out information on how to submit and the peer-review process. The Journal of Performance Magic is an annual, peer-reviewed online publication from The University of Huddersfield Press. (ISSN 2051-6037)The Journal focuses on a multidisciplinary and contemporary [...]

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Author Spotlight: Morphological properties of hair and their variation when subjected to oxidation via chemical bleaching

Posted by Huddersfield Press on 2020-05-29

Another article in our latest edition of Fields, our open access student research journal was written by Raeesah Ismat Saddiq. Her article address the issues surrounding hair analysis and hair bleaching. We asked her to tell us about her research, his article and his experiences.My final year MSc project focussed on how hair analysis (particularly in cases of drug testing) can be inaccurate when [...]

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Author Spotlight:An investigation to determine how the introduction of outdoor education supports learning in Key Stage One

Posted by Huddersfield Press on 2020-05-27

Another article in our latest edition of Fields, our open access student research journal was written by Emily Hooson. Her article address the currently relevant issues surrounding teaching and learning practices. We asked her to tell us about her research, his article and his experiences. This journal article offers an insight to how an effective outdoor environment in education impacts [...]

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