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Austro-German Revivals: (Re)constructing Acoustic Recordings

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Inja Stanović & David Milsom
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Pennine Records

This album was recorded during the final year of Inja Stanović’s Leverhulme-funded research project (Re)constructing Early Recordings: a guide for historically-informed performance. As the title suggests, this project focused upon the technologies used to produce early recordings and, more specifically, the ways in which those recordings reveal performance practices of the past. The project was highly practical: a series of performing musicians were invited to produce brand new recordings, albeit using early recording technologies, period instruments, and historically-informed performance practices. The aim was to reconstruct and study the circumstances in which historic recordings were originally produced, in order that we might better understand what they reliably preserve of past performing musicians that are, nowadays, a rich source of inspiration for musicians of the present.

David Milsom, violin (Fernardo Solar González, 1976).

Inja Stanović, piano (Broadwood, c.1915).

Recorded at the University of Huddersfield and Stanović’s home studio, 2021.

Duncan Miller: Acoustic recording.

Adam Stanović: Digital recording and audio post-production.

Nicola Matić, Inja Stanović and Adam Stanović: Album design.

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