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The Journal of Play in Adulthood - new open access multidisciplinary journal launches this week

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2019-02-26

We are delighted to announce that the Journal of Play in Adulthood is now live and accepting submissions. The first issue of this new open access journal will deliver fascinating discussions on play and playfulness, and the expectations of the behavior of individuals outside of childhood. Below, we hear from the journal’s Editor, Andrew Walsh, and his dedication to highlighting the [...]

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How is open access publishing changing the way we think about research?

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2018-10-23

As part of our blog series for Open Access Week 2018, we caught up with Franc Chamberlain, Editor of Performance and Mindfulness , to chat about how advances in open access publishing are impacting the way we think about research. The impact of open access outside academia By making research from a wide range of disciplines available to me, Open Access enables me to broaden [...]

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