
Filtering tag: fields-author-spotlight

Author Spotlight:An investigation to determine how the introduction of outdoor education supports learning in Key Stage One

Posted by Huddersfield Press on 2020-05-27

Another article in our latest edition of Fields, our open access student research journal was written by Emily Hooson. Her article address the currently relevant issues surrounding teaching and learning practices. We asked her to tell us about her research, his article and his experiences. This journal article offers an insight to how an effective outdoor environment in education impacts [...]

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Author Spotlight: UK SMEs and business students: An investigation into the perceptions of employability for entry-level positions in SMEs

Posted by Huddersfield Press on 2020-05-22

Huddersfield student Thomas Shaw published an article in the 2020 edition of Fields, our open access student research journal. We asked him to tell us about his research, his article and his experiences. My research area focused on a comparison of perceptions of Employability between Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Undergraduate Business students.The article evaluates thoughts of [...]

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Author Spotlight: An empire of glass: Cracks in the foundations of Kipling's India

Posted by Huddersfield Press on 2020-05-18

Huddersfield literature student Aaisha Raja published an article in the 2020 edition of Fields, our open access student research journal. We asked her to tell us about her research and her article. Rudyard Kipling’s Kim is a novel that attempts to reconcile Kipling’s love for India and his knowledge that his presence was undesired. He fabricates an idealised fantasy of colonial India—one that [...]

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Author Spotlight: Celebrating the individuality of young children: Participatory assessment through child-led imaginary play in Reception Class

Posted by Huddersfield Press on 2020-05-15

Huddersfield student Sally Bee-Booth published an article in the sixth issue of our student research journal Fields. We asked her to write a short overview of her research.The government’s increased emphasis on numeracy and literacy assessment in reception class is extremely worrying as it risks failing to celebrate all children, in all their varied strengths and abilities, as being equally [...]

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Author spotlight: exploring the relationships between composers and performers

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-05-22

Music student John Aulich published an article about his research in Issue 2 of our student research journal Fields . We caught up with him for a chat about his work and his experiences getting published. In the summer of 2015, I was invited to prepare a piece I had written in the third year of my undergraduate studies for inclusion in the second volume of [...]

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Author spotlight: solving power issues in engineering

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-04-11

Engineering student Nick Horne has recently published an article about his research in our student research journal Fields. We caught up with him for a chat about his work and his experiences getting published. How would you explain your research to someone new to the subject? I would explain my research as a methodical approach to an engineering problem, starting with [...]

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Author spotlight: how did gender expectations affect medieval England?

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-04-04

History student Katie McAdam has recently published an article about her research in our student research journal Fields. We caught up with her for a chat about her work and her experiences getting published. Give us a quick overview of your research area My area of research has focused on societal gender norms surrounding masculinity and kingship in medieval England. By [...]

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Author spotlight: how do crystals protect our drinking water?

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-03-28

Chemistry student Laura Lo has recently published an article about her research in our student research journal Fields. We caught up with her for a chat about her work and her experiences getting published. If I was to explain my research to someone new to the subject, I would firstly ask them if they ever thought about the process of clean tap water. We wash, drink and [...]

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Author spotlight: open access publishing and video art

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-03-23

James Fox is one of our authors from Volume 2 of Fields, and we caught up with him to chat about how his research is progressing and the importance of open access publishing in his field.  Tell us a bit about your area of specialism? As a researcher at the University of Huddersfield I specialise in music composition and video art. I have been learning about how we perceive and [...]

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Author spotlight: why is social entrepreneurship on the rise?

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-03-21

Social Sciences student Gemma Humphris has recently published an article about her research in our student research journal Fields. We caught up with her for a chat about her work and her experiences getting published. When I first discovered the term ‘social enterprise’ I had no idea what it was. I researched the term and discovered that a social enterprise is what [...]

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Author spotlight: how important are nuptial agreements?

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-03-14

Paralegal Helen Newman has recently published an article about her research in our student research journal Fields. We caught up with her for a chat about her work and her experiences getting published. I am not a writer, not really. I am a case loaded paralegal working for a specialist criminal practice. I may write the occasional blog post for work based upon cases I have [...]

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Author spotlight: how does shift work affect healthcare students?

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-03-07

Healthcare student Geri Gee has recently published an article about her research in our student research journal Fields. We caught up with her for a chat about her work and her experiences getting published.   How would you explain your research to someone new to the subject? My research was designed to address the needs of healthcare students undergoing an academic [...]

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