
Filtering tag: open access

New Editor for Crime, Security and Society

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2019-01-08

Dr Anna Williams has taken over as the new Editor of Crime, Security and Society. Their latest issue was published in December 2018 . I was delighted to have taken over the Editorship of the Crime, Security and Society journal from Dr Jason Roach earlier this year. I am currently Principal Enterprise Fellow (equivalent to Reader) in Forensic Anthropology and Deputy [...]

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New issue of Teaching in Lifelong Learning

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2018-12-04

Volume 8 Issue 2 of Teaching in Lifelong Learning is out now. This issue of TiLL is somewhat different from previous ones in that it is a special edition publishing four papers by project teams who were involved in The Education & Training Foundation’s (ETF) funded Outstanding Teaching Learning and Assessment (OTLA) Phase 3 programme in the north-east and Cumbria. I had the [...]

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University of Huddersfield Press first to launch with Janeway - a new open source publishing platform for open access research

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2018-11-28

We are excited and proud to be the first university press to officially launch on the new Janeway publishing platform - all our publications are now available open access on the new platform, which offers a beautifully designed and highly intuitive reader and author experience. Working with the Open Library of Humanities Today is the culmination for over 12 months of hard work [...]

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Open access monographs are increasing the dissemination of documentary film research

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2018-10-25

As part of our blog series for Open Access Week 2018, we caught up with Geoffrey Cox, Editor of Soundings: documentary film and the listening experience , to chat about OA monograph publishing is changing the way documentary film research is discovered and read. Documentary film research The sharing of knowledge and discoveries is a fundamental of all scholarly research and [...]

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Open access publishing in pharmaceutical research

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2018-10-25

As part of our blog series for Open Access Week 2018, we caught up with Hamid Merchant, Editor of the British Journal of Pharmacy , to chat about how important and revolutionary OA publishing can be in the sciences. A fantastic piece of research can only be appreciated fully if it can be accessed and read freely across the globe.  Often healthcare issues of developing nations are [...]

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Open Access Publishing - a handy infographic guide from the University of Huddersfield Press

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2018-10-23

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Sharing university press practices – our initial findings

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2018-09-05

At the end of June 2018 we held an event here in Huddersfield which aimed to bring together university presses, or those considering launching a press, to discuss the challenges we face as a community, and hopefully find some useful and innovative ways to share best practices and experiences. Thank you for coming! I would first like to thank everyone who attended that day – we had [...]

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New book! Soundings: documentary film and the listening experience

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2018-07-23

We are delighted today to announce the publication of our newest book, a beautifully written collection edited by Geoffrey Cox and John Corner: Soundings: documentary film and the listening experience Buy the paperback version Download the open access version It has been a privilege to work with Geoffrey and John on this fascinating collection of essays, and we asked them to [...]

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Our author James Mendelsohn discusses the banning of Hezbollah

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2018-04-12

Hezbollah in its entirety must be banned by the UK government – here's why James Mendelsohn , University of Huddersfield Earlier this year , a billboard in Luton, England, had to be taken down after it was vandalised with graffiti. The poster was advertising an al-Quds Day rally. This anti-Israel, anti-American event originated in Iran and has spread [...]

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Our author Dainis Ignatans discusses links between immigration and crime

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2018-04-11

Immigration and crime, is there a link? shutterstock Dainis Ignatans , University of Huddersfield I am an immigrant. Many people worry about those like me, and those from other countries who might follow in my footsteps. Bold newspaper headlines either blame immigrants for a whole host of issues or portray them as saintly [...]

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Engaging and supporting an Open Access scholarly community

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2018-04-04


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New issue of open access pharmacy journal in partnership with the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-12-11

British Journal of Pharmacy (BJPharm) is pleased to partner with the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Great Britain (APS, GB) in presenting a special issue on the proceedings of the 8 th APS International PharmSci 2017 held in Hertfordshire in September 2017. Showcasing innovative research from APS We are very excited to showcase this premier [...]

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