
Filtering tag: Journals

First PGR edition of Fields: Journal of Huddersfield Student Research

Posted by Huddersfield Press on 2023-10-02

We’re delighted to announce the publication of the first PGR edition of Fields: Journal of Huddersfield Student Research.  The volume, edited by Psychology PhD student Louisa Peters and Dean of the Graduate School Monty Adkins, draws on research presented at the 2022 PGR Conference on ‘Recovery and Resilience’ and includes 7 papers from postgraduate researchers working across the [...]

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Open Access Resources - Publishers

Posted by Huddersfield Press on 2020-05-07

Third in our series of Open Access resources are publishers! First of all, there is our fellow Yorkshire OA university press White Rose University Press, which is a collaboration between York, Leeds and Sheffield University. They welcome publications from a wide range of academic disciplines. One of their latest publications is Voices and Practices in Applied Linguistics on research in applied [...]

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Open Access Resources - Journals, Archives and other Platforms

Posted by Huddersfield Press on 2020-04-29

Huddersfield University Press is a proud Open Access publisher and as such, we are always happy to promote and celebrate Open Access publications. However, we are not the only OA publisher and this post, and others to follow, will highlight various OA publishers and platforms. We will start with the various OA platforms, directories and archives available.Informit and ScienceOpen are both open [...]

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University of Huddersfield Press launches a new collaboration with Informit.

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2020-01-17

About Informit Informit is an open access publishing platform which is mainly used by Australian academics and professionals, but provides access to researchers, practitioners and other users worldwide. Informit provides content from over a 100 specialist databases, covering a wide range of disciplines, such as humanities, business, law, social science, [...]

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The University of Huddersfield Press celebrates a growing partnership with Science Open.

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2020-01-16

Science Open is a freely accessible platform for academic research. Articles, books and chapters can be read and downloaded free of charge and it currently hosts over 59 million articles, 25.000 journals and work by 26 million authors. Create your own tailored collectionScience Open allows users to create their own library collections to which they can add publications of [...]

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Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research is now indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2019-10-15

We are very excited to announce that, following the successful submission of 4 journals to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) earlier this year, we have now had the Fields journal accepted too, bringing our total to 5 journals indexed in DOAJ! We are very proud of this, showing that Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research publishes high quality research using a [...]

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New journals accepted into the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2019-08-13

We are very excited to announce that, after a lot of hard work at the University of Huddersfield Press offices, and a lot of very helpful guidance, we now have 4 journals accepted into the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)! We would like to say a big thank you to the DOAJ team for being helpful and supportive throughout the process, and we are very happy to see these high quality, [...]

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What does open access publishing mean to you?

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-07-10

The transformation from print to digital publishing, particularly open access digital, has provided new spaces for previously undiscovered research and allowed us to make our content more discoverable, accessible and relevant to an ever-growing diverse readership. Exploring the journey towards open access publishing In the run up to the Northern Collaboration conference, we are [...]

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Author spotlight: solving power issues in engineering

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-04-11

Engineering student Nick Horne has recently published an article about his research in our student research journal Fields. We caught up with him for a chat about his work and his experiences getting published. How would you explain your research to someone new to the subject? I would explain my research as a methodical approach to an engineering problem, starting with [...]

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Author spotlight: how did gender expectations affect medieval England?

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-04-04

History student Katie McAdam has recently published an article about her research in our student research journal Fields. We caught up with her for a chat about her work and her experiences getting published. Give us a quick overview of your research area My area of research has focused on societal gender norms surrounding masculinity and kingship in medieval England. By [...]

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Author spotlight: how do crystals protect our drinking water?

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-03-28

Chemistry student Laura Lo has recently published an article about her research in our student research journal Fields. We caught up with her for a chat about her work and her experiences getting published. If I was to explain my research to someone new to the subject, I would firstly ask them if they ever thought about the process of clean tap water. We wash, drink and [...]

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Author spotlight: why is social entrepreneurship on the rise?

Posted by Dawn Cockcroft on 2017-03-21

Social Sciences student Gemma Humphris has recently published an article about her research in our student research journal Fields. We caught up with her for a chat about her work and her experiences getting published. When I first discovered the term ‘social enterprise’ I had no idea what it was. I researched the term and discovered that a social enterprise is what [...]

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